Our Story
Jessica Fields
Certified Aromatherapist / Licensed Massage Therapist / Access Consciousness Bars Practitioner

Welcome! My name is Jessica Fields and I am the face and heart behind Seven Pines Apothecary.
In 2013 I found myself at a crossroads in life when my marriage was ending. I had two small children and I needed to find a way to provide for them. I took a huge leap of faith and decided to enroll at Cortiva Institute to become a Licensed Massage Therapist. This was the decision that changed the course of my life. Throughout school, we received and gave massages everyday. I quickly realized that by receiving intentional touch I was able to acknowledge and allow myself to feel all of the pain and grief I was suppressing. Massage helped me release decades of emotion that has been stuck in my physical body, conscious and subconscious mind. I experienced firsthand the meaning of body, mind and spirit connection. Making the decision to go back to school not only allowed me to learn a new skill but it was my therapy. Throughout those 10 months, I started to gain back my self-worth and confidence. Everyday that went by, I felt lighter. I was introduced to parts of myself that I never knew before; broken pieces were slowly put back together and a new passion for life unfolded. My healing journey had begun and I realized the transformational power human touch can have.
I graduated from Cortiva Institute in 2014 as a Nationally Licensed Massage Therapist. Learning to receive and take care of myself was one of the most important things I took away from school. I quickly adapted the philosophy of self care through holistic healing. Over the years I went on to study alternative ways to support myself and my clients. Hearing many stories about the benefits of essential oils intrigued me so in 2020 I became a Certified Aromatherapist and completed the Teacher Training Program in 2022 through Aromahead
Institute. To satisfy my creative energy, I started making aromatherapy products to support the body, mind and soul. Seven Pines Apothecary was born and we hit the road doing local markets and events. Starting Seven Pines officially made me a business owner and has allowed me to integrate massage and aromatherapy, using my handmade creams during all of my sessions.
Throughout the years I fell in love with learning and becoming the best version of myself. Personal, spiritual and business growth has become a passion of mine for the past decade. Knowing how serious and important mental health is in our world today, I was immediately drawn to Access Consciousness Bars. This form of energy work deeply resonated with me. After receiving a session myself and seeing instant results, I became an Access Consciousness Bars Practitioner in 2021.
Combining my love of massage, aromatherapy and holistic healing, I am now helping people on a daily basis and fulfilling my life's work through Seven Pines Apothecary. Please browse my Aromatherapy products and feel free to book a Massage or Access Bars session with me if you feel called.
Thank you for supporting my journey, and I hope I can help support yours!

Seven Pines
Growing up in Pennsylvania I have been surrounded by nature and colors my whole life. My mother is an avid gardener, the sweet aroma of her rose gardens filled the air surrounding our house for many months throughout the year. Huge pine trees lined the street right in front of our house, SEVEN pine trees to be exact. The pines took over our front yard with their lush branches, fallen needles and pine cones. I have fond memories of playing in the pine trees with my sister throughout our childhood. We played with the sap the pines naturally created, making mud pies and witches stew. The
Our Philosophy
We like to pay homage to the beautiful flowers, leaves, woods, fruits, seeds, grass, roots and resins that grow so naturally on this planet. Essential oils are nature's precious gifts for us to use to help facilitate well being on every level. This includes addressing the whole body; physically, emotionally and energetically.
Using my knowledge of essential oils and the body, mind and spirit I have custom crafted essential oil blends and aromatherapy products to support health and well being. So much thought and intention has gone into every product that we offer. Every blend is made to order with gratitude and care. We believe in allowing the oils to have a voice of their own and do not use any synthetics or additives in our products. There are many essential oils available today but the ones that we choose to work with have to meet our highest standards. We are proud to say that the essential oils and carriers we use are 100% organic, pure, sustainable, cruelty free, vegan and GC/MS tested. GC/MS stands for Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry. This test is the best way to ensure the purity and quality of each oil, making sure there are no additives or synthetics mixed in. Adulterated oils or "perfume/fragrance oils" can cause sensitivities such as allergies, skin irritation and headaches. GC/MS testing also informs us on the therapeutic benefits and the safety considerations of each oil determined by their chemical makeup.
Licenses & Certifications